Post by hyv3mynd on Nov 22, 2011 22:11:30 GMT -5
Aaron have you looked closely at the wracks? I am trying to figure out what is flesh, what is cloth, what is detail, what is flash...good god not looking forward to painting up these guys hehe. Didn't pay close attention when I was assembling them. I guess I'll wing it and use the box art as a guide lol. I just hope the finecast harlequins aren't this bad when I get that box. I wonder if there's a viable wych-to-harlequin conversion that I could manage.
Posts: 175
Post by Timbo on Nov 23, 2011 7:56:32 GMT -5
I may have to find a wrack conversion I like just to avoid getting more finecast. If you're looking to do a conversion, here's what I had planned out: Head - DE Jetbike heads or Chaos Warrior heads Torso - Vampire Counts Ghouls Arms - VC Zombies or Wood Elf Dryads Legs - Empire Flagellants I've got a bunch of extra Ghoul bodies if you want them.
Post by fishboy on Nov 23, 2011 18:03:12 GMT -5
Heck...I can not keep the wracks from breaking off weapons and that is just in the paint world. What are they going to be like on the table? The detail is too much for such a small model.
Post by crimthaan on Nov 23, 2011 18:05:53 GMT -5
Heck...I can not keep the wracks from breaking off weapons and that is just in the paint world. What are they going to be like on the table? The detail is too much for such a small model. Agreed, these should have been kept in metal.
Post by hyv3mynd on Nov 23, 2011 19:28:03 GMT -5
I only broke one of the chains when I was assembling tho I do expect game breakage to be really annoying.
Posts: 63
Post by robm on Nov 24, 2011 0:39:13 GMT -5
I think Rob is doing DE also. Uhmmmm... "whistles innocently as he goes off to paint some Space Wolves"
Post by grubnards on Nov 27, 2011 16:11:04 GMT -5
After being ill for the last couple of weeks I was finally able to get back to painting my Farseer that I will be running in the league. Still need to tighten up the gem stones and finish the base but pretty happy with the results. Next up are my wave serpents/falcon and striking scorpions.
Post by hyv3mynd on Nov 27, 2011 16:52:57 GMT -5
Post by crimthaan on Nov 28, 2011 8:48:59 GMT -5
Really lookin awesome Aaron, very impressed. You and Joe are really going to make me up my game in terms of painting for my Dark Eldar.
What airbrush are you using and what paint?
Post by hyv3mynd on Nov 28, 2011 9:33:59 GMT -5
Thanks Andy. Right now I'm using a badger anthem, nothing fancy. My paints are still cheapo folk arts, just watered down a lot.
Post by crimthaan on Nov 28, 2011 9:59:16 GMT -5
Very cool. I've tried using watered down painted through my airbrush but for some reason they just sputter out and it doesn't seem to work, I'm probably OVER watering them down.
Also I doubt I"ll be able to participate in the first weeks of the league. It's finals week for school and won't have time to get painting done (not to the standard that I want to get my Dark Eldar to anyways). I'm certainly going to try though.
Post by Horst on Nov 28, 2011 12:42:21 GMT -5
Don't try watering them down with water... use paint thinner. Seems to work much better than water, and never causes it to "sputter".
Post by fishboy on Nov 28, 2011 19:31:33 GMT -5
Paint thinner in acrylic paint?!!?! A lot of people use windex.
Post by Horst on Nov 28, 2011 21:58:33 GMT -5
ah, I don't know what it is, but I use vallejo thinner.
Its for acrylics. Windex might work, not sure. All I know is that water causes problems!
The oldest
Posts: 2,135
Post by MajorSoB on Nov 29, 2011 0:18:47 GMT -5
The reason Windex works is that there is some alcohol mixed in it to lessen the surface tension ( cohesion) of the water molecule. The same can be accomplished by adding a very small amount of basic rubbing alcohol to distilled water and using this solution to dilute your paint with. I am sure you can spend some money and buy a Liquitex product that is specifically formulated to do this but distilled water with some rubbing alcohol ( the kind that you DONT drink ) works well. As for the "sputtering" issue, check to make sure your paint is diluted evenly and that there are not clumps that are causing this. If you are using a cheaper paint like Folk Art ( solid pigment type paint ) make sure that it dilutes well and is not gritty. If you cannot get it to dilute smoothly you may want to switch to a solid pigment based paint where the pigment is ground finer or better yet a liquid based pigment paint like P3 or specific airbrush formulated paint to avoid this issue. Sputtering may also be caused by fluctuations in your airflow or water in the airline. Checking your regulator and adding a moisture trap may help with this issue too. Here is a good link: www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Zenithal_Airbrushing%2C_OSL_and_Snow_and_Ice_Tutorial%2C_subject_-_Grey_Knight